Agroleite 2024

August 6, 2024 - August 9, 2024

Agroleite is a technical event promoted by Cooperativa Castrolanda that takes place annually in August in the city of Castro-PR, the National Milk Capital.

Its program presents visitors with the full potential of milk production in the region and the diversity of products and solutions available on the market to enhance the profitability of dairy farming.

Among the activities, the event includes an exhibition of animals of the Holstein breeds - in black and white and red and white varieties - and Jersey, Dairy Tournament, Fodder Park, Machine Dynamics, Milk Trail and also the Milk Route – which provides opportunities for visits to properties in the region.

During Agroleite, forums and panels are also held to discuss agribusiness and updates on the market and trends.

6th South Brazilian BioGas and Biomethane Forum

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